Monday, January 10, 2011

UV Filters for DSLR Cameras

I am not a fan of UV (ultraviolet) filters. Most of them are sold with a lens by a salesperson in a camera store looking for a quick profit. This usually goes along with, "Do you want a UV filter to protect that lens?"the theory being that when you drop your expensive new lens or something pokes it, the filter will prevent the glass element of the lens from being damaged. This is probably trueit will likely prevent damage to the glass, but so will using the lens hood, which does do an even better job.

But the biggest issue I have with the typical UV filter that is pushed on the unsuspecting buyer is quality. You've just spent a good amount of money to buy the best lens you could afford, and now the salesperson wants you to slap a cheap piece of glass in front of it? Does that really make sense?

If you're going to use a UV filter, I recommend getting a top-quality one from a company such as B+W, Nikon, Canon, or Tiffen.

UV filters do help to reduce the ultraviolet light (hence the UV name) reaching your sensor, which is helpful when shooting at high elevations. There is one instance where I highly recommend having something like a UV filter on your camera. If you're shooting in windy conditions where there is sand blowing, by all means put a filter over your lens. Sand will pit the coatings on a lens faster than you think, potentially ruining the optical quality.

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